Monday, April 29, 2024

In This House Yard Signs, and Their Curious Power The New York Times

in this house we believe

Maybe creeds are training wheels; but I, for one, don’t have perfect balance. And though the Atlantic writer’s phrasing is unclear too—he speaks of truths “chang[ing] over time” but seems to mean that popular beliefs evolve—Ramaswamy’s answer is just as confused. He doesn’t really defend the idea of ultimate, changeless, and (at least partially) knowable truth. This is not, like the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds, the work of the church under the guidance of the Spirit—now ratified by more than 16 centuries of faithful Christian use. It is, as Ramaswamy told The Atlantic, the work of 15 minutes on an airplane.

In this house we believe sign, wood entryway sign, hallway sign, wood sign, plankwood sign, we believe

"I've wondered if it could make me a target," she says. After all, not everyone agrees with these statements. People have told her they've had their tires slashed in the driveway outside houses bearing the sign, and that homeowner associations have fought over whether it should be allowed.

in this house we believe

Is there enough evidence for us to believe the Gospels?

“When you co-write a song, you each dig into your own heart for where you’re coming from,” Shamblin explained to The Boot about the experience. “The inspiration for me was the last ten years or so with having my own children. I often think about the neighborhood and the house that my father built that I grew up in. What I'm getting ready to tell you is not true, but it's a very good story. It's thundering and lightning, its a windswept Oklahoma highway, and he puts the CD in to try to stay awake.

In this house, we believe in planting virtue-signaling lawn signs

Their arguments were unanimously rejected in February by a lower court. But on Thursday, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority seemed more receptive to Trump’s claims. If the court rules in the former president’s favor, it could potentially delay any trial in the matter until after the election. The Lambert family eventually moved into a rental home and started rebuilding their lives as well as the home itself.

Behind the Song Lyrics: “Mama’s Broken Heart,” Miranda Lambert

And then, to heighten things, the same thing basically happened in Los Angeles. Weinstein was tried in a second separate trial, and he was also convicted, also with that kind of supporting evidence, and sentenced to another 16 years in prison. Prosecutors were taking a risk by including them because there’s a bedrock principle of criminal law that when a person is on trial, the evidence should pertain directly to the charges that are being examined.

For many years that made sense to me, and it still does, in theory. But in practice, I’ve learned that just because a community espouses “no creed but Scripture” doesn’t guarantee it will be marked by deep scriptural study and obedience. Instead, it can produce a community in which scriptural interpretation is an individual project undertaken without clear guardrails or a means of settling sincere disagreements about what the Bible means. The part about Roman emperors is irrelevant to the matter at hand.

But that doesn’t really feel like a symbolic blow. Well, it’s definitely a symbolic blow for the #MeToo movement and also for accountability, which is part of what powers the movement. If you think of progress like a wheel spinning forward, part of what powers the wheel is accountability, because women only want to come forward if they think something may actually happen. When they see consequences for some men, it encourages others to step forward. Now, the California rules are a little clearer on what evidence is admissible.

How one woman's yard sign became a rallying cry for allies - Mashable

How one woman's yard sign became a rallying cry for allies.

Posted: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Dave Alvin: On Songwriting, Speculation and Maintaining His Own Muse

On Thursday, the Supreme Court heard arguments over whether former president Donald Trump should have legal immunity for allegedly interfering with the 2020 presidential election after he lost the race to Joe Biden. Trump’s lawyers have argued that his actions, because he was still president at the time, should be shielded from prosecution. It becomes this kind of echoing pattern that is so much more powerful than any one isolated story. So prosecutors tried to re-create that in the courtroom. They brought in these additional witnesses who had really powerful stories, and that was instrumental to Weinstein being convicted.

Your Neighbor’s New Creed: ‘In This House, We Believe . . .’

"Love is love" is an LGBTQ group that originated in Alaska in 2012 and part of Lin-Manuel Miranda's 2016 Tony acceptance speech. Science is real is a 2009 They Might Be Giants song, and a phrase millions of us have shouted at Fox News-watching relatives for years. The “We believe” creedal structure here powerfully speaks to the fact that all humans are religious, worshiping creatures who need to believe in something beyond themselves. But will the “something” of this particular yard sign satisfy?

There are no political "Protestants" among yard signers. No one displays an "In this house" sign with half the list struck out. I decorated my college-era car with bumper stickers, but when that car died, my political signage impulse went with it. Though hardly shy about my views, I've never considered a yard sign. The people around me may have very different politics from mine, and I worry this sort of impersonal political engagement might get in the way of our neighborliness.

It was their first day, their first week, their first month on the job. But also, I want to add that you can’t score #MeToo like a basketball game. Every time there is some big outcome in a #MeToo case — R. Kelly gets convicted, Governor Cuomo resigns, Bill Cosby gets convicted, Bill Cosby walks free — there can be this temptation to draw huge conclusions from that. So you’re saying another way to look at this case is that it sort of represents a legal system trying to navigate this new reality and sort of trying to figure out in real time how to deal with these kinds of cases. It’s almost like a trial and error, “one step forward, two steps back” dynamic.

The exercise above shows that the progressive creed is not miles away from biblical truth. It’s a “post-Christian” creed because it comes after, and is thoroughly marinated in, a Christian culture where truths about human equality, dignity, love, and kindness were first shaped. What’s illuminating about the sign’s language is how each statement—as much as it signals a particular politics with various unhelpful baggage—at root reflects or distorts biblical truth.

And that’s just the thing that unsettles me about all this. Contra the email’s claim to be sharing “pure” truth, it’s very much his creed. At first, the neighbors walking their dogs hardly noticed when a new yard sign appeared down the block. Maybe I'm still uneasy about these signs because I'm simply not a "sign person." Temperament may be coloring my judgment here.

There are also a number of parodies of the sign spouting conservative axioms or mocking its allegedly “simplistic platitudes.” But Finger considers these versions to be merely “inspired” by the original. The universal reason was virtue signaling in that literal sense. "I'm lucky," said Chelsea, who lives in Saint Paul. "We live in a bubble," said another Saint Paulite, Laurie. "It is unlikely that visitors to our house will disagree with our signs."

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